Pastor Tommy Hill
With the love and compassion of a shepherd, Pastor Tommy Hill is an ordained minister of the gospel. He is a graduate of the Ekklesia School of the Prophets, and has participated in many home Bible courses.
Saved at the age of 18 years old, he was called to preach at the age of 20. For ten years, Pastor Tommy served in the local church through the ministry of helps. At the age of 30, he pioneered a church in which he has served in the office of the Pastor since 1989. Through challenging preaching and teaching of the Word, God has called Pastor Tommy to a ministry of empowering people for Kingdom living.
Pastor Tommy has also stepped into an Evangelistic-Prophetic ministry. God is opening doors all over the United States for him to spread the Word of God in other churches. As he preaches the word of God, God confirms His Word with many signs, wonders, and miracles.